Preparing for your Will Appointment
The purpose of writing a Will is to pass on your belongings and assets to your loved ones according to your wishes with as few problems as possible.
Things to do before you meet with your Notary Public:
1. Choose an Executor: it is best if your executor is familiar with your situation and your wishes. Ask if they would be willing to act for you in this capacity and then obtain their full legal names.
- Someone you trust;
- Someone you think will outlive you; and
- Someone who is able to carry out your instructions.
2. Choose an alternate executor: it is important to name an alternate or back-up executor in your Will because, if the executor is unable or unwilling to act, the alternate will take over.
3. Guardians for children: If you have minor children (under 19) you will need to appoint Guardian(s) who will act in the event both you and your spouse have died. Ask someone if they would be willing to act for you in this capacity and obtain their full legal names.
- A person (or a couple) who would be willing to raise and provide a good home to your children to be the Guardians; and
- A Second person (or couple) who would act as Alternate Guardians (in case the first couple are unable to act or to continue to act).
4. Who are the beneficiaries of your Will?
- You will need to be clear about exactly who the beneficiaries are going to be;
- Prepare a list of the full legal names of your children and any other beneficiaries;
- If a charitable organization is to be a beneficiary obtain their correct legal name, address and registered charitable number (if available).
5. End of life planning: Think about whether you would like your remains to be buried or cremated. Do you want an elaborate funeral or a simple remembrance ceremony? If you are undecided your Will can be prepared without including this information.
Making a Will will be easier than you imagined with the help of your Notary Public.
Time Line:
- Your first appointment will run between ½ – 1 hour This appointment is where you will give instructions for me to prepare your Will.
- The second appointment is for you to review the draft, make changes and then sign your new Will. This appointment is usually ½ hour.